Thursday, July 29, 2010

Improv! The Final Scene

By Ella Sivertsen
Imagine the lights on you. A hundred eyes are watching. You’re expected to provide a killer skit momentarily. You’re ready. The only catch: There’s no script.
Welcome to the wonderful world of improvisation, otherwise known as acting without a script. All the content is made up on the spot. Improv!, the regular evening activity itself, serves as an outlet for TIPsters to be creative, show off their skills, gain confidence, and have fun creating and watching great theater.

On Sunday, many brave TIPsters lined up for their shot to feature their improv skills in the talent show. Although all efforts were valiant, only eight competitors could advance to the deciding round: Improv! The Final Scene. These competitors were TIPsters Kevin, Marianna, Josh, Meghan, Tori, Brian, Bree, and Madeline.

The first challenge was a seemingly simple one. Each had to introduce him-/herself in a creative way. This, however, may have been more crucial than they realized. First impressions are important, after all. improvisers were obviously hardcore; it takes guts to stand up in front of your peers and come up with creative skits to entertain them.

The actors participated in several acting challenges. RCs Megan and George gave a "game" to play and a theme to act in. More familiar games included “Change,” in which the person who said the last line had to change it (without changing the scene), “Party Quirks”, for which the host had some unusual guests and had to figure out the quirk of each, and “The Dating Game,” similar to “Party Quirks,” but with a dating show theme.
In the end, everyone had performed admirably, but there could only be four official winners. These were Meghan, Tori, Marianna, and Josh.

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