Friday, July 30, 2010

To Be Continued...

To be continued...

By Nicole Alanko

The typical fourth year traditions are the IHOP trip on the last night, swaying together to “American Pie”, and carrying the symbolic orange lanyards. At Duke TIP at UGA, Term 2 2010, the fourth years have redefined traditions. 

Patrick, the fourth year boys’ RC, tells his RC group member Colin, a bedtime story, but it has grown from Patrick’s RC group to Julie’s RC group, other fourth year girls, and some of the second year boys on that hall.

The stories began the night after the Staff/Student Ultimate Frisbee game. Colin was in his room, and hid so that Patrick would have to come looking for him in the room. When Patrick came in, Colin asked him to tell a bedtime story about the game. 

These stories grew into being the “best soap opera ever”, according to Meghan Dorn, a fourth year. Other fourth years commented that they’re “hilarious” and “It’s interesting how we’re all perceived by Colin and Patrick in these stories.”

The story is a soap opera starring the TIPsters, full of relation-tips, car chases in Paris and an eco-terrorist group. All of the boys in Patrick’s RC group sit in Colin’s room and listen, while the girls race down the hall to get the best seats just outside the door (because girls are not allowed in boys’ rooms at TIP). All of the girls crunch in together to hear the latest episode in the saga.

“I’m obviously surprised at the popularity,” commented Patrick. “I thought it would stop after one story. It’s grown now to audiences of more than thirty TIPsters.”

“It’s a great idea,” said Julie, who has been taking her RC group up to listen to the stories on the last week of TIP.

Haley and Alex, fourth years from Julie’s group, also add that the stories are “great bonding time for the fourth years.” 

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