Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Favorite Medium: Newspapers

By Natalie Gideon

M&M Staffer

Although it is not the medium I use most frequently, the newspaper is my favorite source of information.I enjoy the fact that a newspaper is tangible and can be picked up at one’s leisure. Also, being able to read the newspaper does not depend on sometimes faulty internet connection or speed of an internet browser. It is nice to be able to flip back and forth between articles quickly, without having to wait for them to load on the computer or to print.In my opinion, the newspaper’s layout is also better than online news sources because the most important stories are always on the front pages and the sections help me decide exactly what I want to read.In addition to its user-friendly design, the newspaper also provides a wide array of topics that one can read on, especially in the weekend sections. I have also been exposed to a variety of articles that I would have never read if not for the newspaper.Although some view the newspaper as obsolete, I still prefer it to most other media. It is true that I use the internet to find information quickly and to use social networking sites quite often; however, the newspaper will always be my favorite because of its tangibility, layout, and variety of topics to read on.

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