Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Favorite Medium: Television

By Rose Fox

M&M Staffer

The media of television, although new, has drastically changed the way information has been sent and received throughout the world. Unlike traditional media, where readers are presented with their facts on a delayed daily basis, television enables the news to be delivered quickly and efficiently as the situation unfolds.
Television is also a preferred media from the artistic standard. Where newspapers and books are typically monochromatic and mass-produced with efficiency in mind, television media often has teams of graphic designers and artists working to give the viewer a clearer understanding of the situation and entice new audiences with clear diagrams and logos.
Although a master at practicality, television also has more enjoyable uses. News broadcasts are a headstone of television, but the medium also enables social communication and interconnectivity. I enjoy television not only because of the constant stream of information it can yield, but also for the ability it grants me to partake in social events such as television shows, broadcast concerts and movies, and educational programs.
Television records the defining moments of history and protects them in a digital shield from time. Traditional media will decay and fade away, digital media will corrupt and be deleted, but the images, voices, colors, and experiences of television will remain in the minds of viewers long after the power switch is turned off.

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